
PMD Unity - Caved In - D1, P2

Deviation Actions

pinkcott456's avatar

Literature Text

---Mary's POV---

I may not believe in God, but right now, I hated him.

A lot.

While the other team ran to one part of the dungeon we were brutally tumbling toward another. Finn was already in my arms as we rolled toward a closed door and a deafening crack rang in my ears. Whether it came from the door or worse, my back was unknown, but my body was doused in pain at the sound. I can't scream...I'm not allowed to, but the pain was able to make me shriek quietly as we slowed to a stop. I couldn't let Finn be hurt..that was my goal right now. My vision was clouded by the debris, but the feeling of a fidgeting Finn within my arms told me that he was okay. My whole body relaxed instantly and a sigh of relief came out before I loosened my grip on him. Finn jumped out of my arms and the little yellow/white blob in front of me climbed over the rubble. He turned around before turning back and screamed, "VIVIAN! DORIAN! WHERE ARE YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"We're over here! Only a bruise or two! We're fine and okay and alright and good!" The voice seemed to have come from that Swirlix. If I recall correctly she was suppose to be with that Zigzagoon. I didn't hear his voice at all. It doesn't mean he wasn't talking, but it could also mean he was injured as well. I doubt the latter.  

"Uh...I don't know if we can get over there from here. We should try to clear some rocks, maybe!" The Swirlix suggested. The blob of yellow 
nodded furiously and started to clear some of the rocks blocking our path.

"It's h-heavy..." He complained, but nonetheless he still carried the ones he could lift and moves them over to the side. As the boulders available got larger and larger the thought of Finn pushing them to the side became more and more unrealistic. Surprisingly, Finn obtained the same idea as me and gazed at the boulders that were at least twice the size as him.

"Uhhhhhh...." Finn contemplated the actions he 'could perform', but as a person who has been by his side for at least 4 years I could tell one of his idea to move the boulder was to call an army of idiotic fish to move it for him. Honestly, the excited look on his face was getting hard to watch from a bystander's(and as one of the trapped victims in this situation) point of view. I grunted in pain as I rose off the ground.

"Finn if you can't do this just tell them." I groaned propping myself upright with an arm.  Finn did not seem to talk my answer lightly and looked back at me with a face of with the emotion that can could be called 'extreme horror'.

"Who says I can't do this?!" he huffed. I sighed at his stubbornness and stared intently at Finn. He really hates to be called weak, but he needs to learn when something is impossible to do. 

"I can do this! I know I can! Watch!" He cried. He started to focus on the larger stones in the room and slowly moved them to the side. Each move contained a loud grunt one that surely said he was over exerting himself.

"SEE?!" He pointed at his work which included 4 stones, all which were much larger than Finn, thrown to the side. He tried to hide his fatigue and it pained me greatly; much more than these physical wounds. I mentally surpressed the need to explain to him the danger of overworking himself. At this moment he wouldn't even listen to my words as he was distracted by these minor wounds on my body. He's worried about me? It has to be a joke. 

I'm more worried about him.

Unfortunately, the Swirlix did not help my cause at all.

"...JUST KEEP DIGGING!" she screamed, "YOU GUYS CAN DO IT! WE CAN ALL DO IT AND WIN AND SUCCEED! YEAH! YEAH! IT'S SUCH A GREAT AND AMAZING AND HELPFUL THING TO DO!" ....It was not the best motivational speech at this moment, but Finn didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to have gotten stronger and stared at the rocks with excitement(as noted by his sparkling eyes). His infamous cat-like smile spread across his face and he gladly showed off his new found powers to me. The boulders were only pebbles to Finn as she easily knocked them out of the way.

"See? I told you I can do this!" He grinned. This event could have only been met with skepticism. I noticed Finn's strength grew tremendously, but it was probably came from that pink glow around him. It reminded me of the move Helping Hand and it may be just that thanks to that Swirlix judging from her sudden 'motivational speech'. I kept quiet to avoid disappointing Finn. He seemed too ecstatic to believe this was done all by himself. Technically, he is doing all of the physical labor.

...And I was useless in this current situation. The realization poured salt on my wounds reverting them back to their original state of discomfort. The eerily nostalgic voice of a devil laughed in my ear with a shrill. AHAHA What a let down! You let a couple of bruises drag you down?He cried. Really, you are useless! A liability! In this situation you would have already been..


I instantly pushed the voice out of my mind. A liability? What a joke. These bruises wasn't even painful. I could easily ignore it and I did with the simple act of walking over to Finn. Finn gawked at me.

"You are not moving MaMa!" He glared childishly. For once his childish voice did not sway me and I began to cast the rocks to the side. With a frown from Finn, but no complaints, we silently continued our work.

Eventually, after about five more minutes of digging, we both managed to make a passable walkway between the two rooms. Unfortunately, the entrance is still blocked up and the Zigzagoon was the only one accessing the damage. 

"Hmm...this will be a problem later, but I'm having ideas..." he contemplated, but I doubt he would be able to do anything. The trap easily covered the entire door and Finn described the doors as 'BIGGGGGG". To give you another comparison, I'd say that even a Groundon can fit through there.

"Hey I can see you again!" Finn smiled and ran up to the duo. Once the Swirlix saw us she energetically wagged her tail and the Zigzagoon ignored us. I brought out a first aid kit I obtained from the guild and a couple of berries grown from our garden out of my bag.

"Here." I handed the items to the team, "You said you guys were hurt right?" Finn eagerly got into the conversation.

"Oh! Oh!" his hand shot straight up in the air, "I want to help!" Reflexively, I pulled him back, but I didn't do it to protect Finn. ....He exaggerates everything if you get what I mean.

"Hey you need it too MaMa!" He said handing me back the first aid kit. As I held the cold plastic in my arms a sudden disgusting(and again eerily familiar) voice rang in my ear.

Remember Mary, never show you are weak. The enemy can use it against you.

I looked at the kit disdainfully and placed it back into my bag shocking Finn.


"I don't need it. It's just some bruises," I answered, but no one seemed to believe me. The Zigzagoon looked at something behind me and then at the open cave tunnel with a thought on his mind. The Swirlix looked almost concerned, but I could not be so sure...The voice was getting to me.

Hey~ remember not to be weak Mary~ If this hinders the mission you might as well be a dead weight~! Tee hee!

"...Are you sure?" She asked, " need a bit of doesn't help much, but I know Aromatherapy."

"I'm fine." I growled, "I don't need any medical attention. Our objective is to lead Wussy back to HQ for a meeting. That is it.The Zigzagoon walked up to me; already trespassing my comfort zone. He examined me top to bottom and scoffed at the sight.

"Yes, sure, because you can keep going with a wounds like those...," He said in an irritating voice, "Please, Mary, it would do better for all of us if you let them tend to you a bit. That door had to have done a number to you. We don't have a strict time limit, although I am sure that you want to spend little time here, due to that rock slide." I had remembered having reason to dislike this Zigzagoon. This is one of them. I quickly covered my injuries and glared at him.

"I said I can keep going can't I?" I snapped, "This is nothi-" A blunt object was slammed at the back of my head giving me the impression that someone had a death wish. If it was that Swirlix I swear I won't hesitate to fight back. However....the object turned out to be the first aid kit I had placed in my bag and the culprit was Finn himself.

"THEY ARE GOING TO HELP YOU WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT!" Finn angrily scolded at me and I glared back at him. I want to scold him back for being too naive. In a mission the only thing people can do when someone is in a 'critical situation' is to leave them and continue on with the task. If they fail the mission the punishment can mean death for many people. I looked up to see a stunned Swirlix who dashed over to me and she began to look at my wounds. I perked up with caution, ...but I sensed no malice from her.

"Hmm...uh...hmm...this is quite treatable by a first-aid kit, so we should be fine. It's just a few wounds from the wood. Although...I can't do much about you hitting her in the head, Finn," She reasoned, with a serious and wary look on her face. Finn's anger turned to fright and he quickly climbed onto my head.

"Wait I didn't mean it! Uh......wait does it hurt?! Ahhhhh I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy!" Finn panicked making me sigh.

"Did you think that would really cause some damage?" I blankly asked.

"Yes." Finn blankly answered making me sigh again. I suspiciously looked at the Swirlix and the Zigzagoon. This is the town of Andalusst so I doubt they'll do anything harmful to us, but their concern for me was annoying me to death. ...However it also means the two boys watching me will not stop until I accept her treatment.

"Fine. Let's get this over with." I said turning myself away from the group. The Swirlix looked over at Finn.

 "Finn, I need you to carefully bandage each of her wounds. I'm going to use Aromatherapy on her. Although it really helps when a Pokemon has status conditions, it still does have a healing effect...from my experiences." She instructed.

"Okay!" Finn answered while I facepalmed at Vivian's directions. I think I forgot to tell her about Finn's exaggerations. He eagerly started to wrap the cloth around my arm. The Swirlix, on the other hand, closed her eyes and a pale green glow formed around her. As everyone began to gather around the moss from the walls began to float around the group. My health seemed to have slightly increase as did everyone else's based on their reaction though, the move did not actually did much about any of their injuries. Finn's eyes sparkled from the Swirlix's Aromatherapy.

"So pretty!" Finn commented and his mind wandered to the lights emitting from the Swirlix. When the chant was over the moss returned to the walls and Vivian opened her eyes.

"Vivian that was so pretty! Everything was glowing!" A small grunt snapped him of his distraction. Looking back at me he soon saw the 'help' he had done which included an overly-bandaged arm. An exaggeration in my terms.

"...Oops." Finn said. and I rolled my eyes. This is the reason why Finn should not bandage anybody.

"Ugh, here...," The Zigzagoon said, trudging over, "Let me cut some of this off..." He sliced the excess bandage off, placing it on a smaller wound.

"I think you should be fine, for now. Can we move on?" he asked. For once, he said something useful.

"Please do." I agreed examining my bandages.

Don't let them hinder the mission Mary~ There was a final cackle in my head before the voice disappeared.

"...Thank you for the treatment." I muttered feeling a slight heat in my cheeks. 

"So, to get things we go through where the door was or back through the open tunnel?" Dorian asked.

Vivian jumped up, returning to her normal, eager composure, "I choose the tunnel! It sounds like a TUN of FUN! I made a hilarious and wondrous and amazing pun, aha! Do you get it?" Finn blinked once before snickering.

"AHAHAHAHA!" He bursted out laughing, "I get it! I get it!" My mind could only result in confusion wondering what was so humorous about the pun, but Finn endlessly laugh.

"...We should go now...." I said. Vivian quickly sped over to the tunnel, looking through it into the next room. Finn and the Zigzagoon followed the Swirlix, but unlike Finn the Zigzagoon did it much more slowly. He looking slightly downward, probably to avoid walking on any traps like me. One rock slide was enough for today...

I followed Finn into the other room and it was abnormal. A tiny stream ran upward along the walls clearly defying gravity. Nothing around it could explain why this was happening. The Researchers guild would get a kick out of this. Finn, however, did not even notice this phenomenon as he drooled at the sight of some meatroots.

"Food!" He pointed at the edible resource, "I want it-!" The Zigzagoon abruptly reached over, putting his paw on Finn's mouth.

"Shh!" he demanded, pointing to the fat Barboach sleeping near the strange stream on the far side of the room on a rock. Vivian stopped jumping around as well, in alarm to the sudden danger. I instantly stepped in front of Finn and the Zigzagoon(he was near Finn) in case the Barboach wakes up. As I stood as a gateway between the enemy and Finn Dorian quietly dashed over to a locked door in the room and picked open the lock. The Swirlix instantly hopped into the opened door and we silently followed her after Finn plucked a meat root off the ground. Once we all made it to the room the door suddenly swung closed by itself. Finn gasped in shock, and I look around for a possible source of this unusual event. A subtle laugh echoed in the room which indicated we were not the only ones in this dark room.

"I predicted you guys would come." An unknown voice spoke.

Part 2 of my collaboration with the lovely WolfMirage! ==> :iconwolfmirage:


Part 1:
Part 3:
© 2015 - 2024 pinkcott456
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